夏智公司所有的雇佣关系都是建立在自愿的基础上。夏智任何公司都不存在使用奴隶和贩卖人口的活动。 此外,夏智推行了一套供应商行为准则,规定夏智供应商应采取适当的措施,以确保其自己的机构组织和供应链不存在奴隶和人口贩卖现象,并且不应使用任何类型的强迫或非自愿劳动力(如强迫劳工、债役劳工、契约劳工或非自愿囚禁劳工)。
Anti-Human Trafficking Statement
All of XIAZHI’s employment relationships are based on voluntariness. There is no slave use or human trafficking in any company in XIAZHI. In addition, XIAZHI has implemented a set of supplier codes of conduct which stipulate that XIAZHI suppliers should take appropriate measures to ensure that slaves and human trafficking do not exist in their own organizations and supply chains, and that no type of forced or involuntary labor force (such as forced labor, bonded labor, contractual labor or involuntary imprisonment of workers) should be used.
Javen HAO
CEO & Executive Director
XIAZHI Technologies Limited
Dec 29, 2018